Pink Mintz is a blend of Animal Mints Bx1, a creation of Seed Junky Genetics, and reversed Pink Champagne Bx1 by Conscious Genetics. This unique strain combines the sweet and gassy cookie funk of Animal Mints Bx1 with the rich musky notes of Pink Champagne Bx1. With its vibrant, frosted flowers and tall growth, Pink Mintz is sure to become a staple in your stash. The resulting progeny is a product of Pink Lemonaide V2 and Conscious Kush V1, which is a cross of Guard Dawg, Blue Cookies, ODV3, and Sunset Sherbert. You'll be mesmerized by the stunning purple hues and frostiness of this strain.
Pack Size | 7 Seeds Per Pack |
Indoor / Outdoor | Indoor / Outdoor |
Flowering Time | 9 Weeks |
Genetics | Hybrid |
Lineage | Animal Mintz Bx1 x Pink Champagne Bx1 |
Yield | Average |
Seed Type | Feminised |